World Menopause Day


What can you do as an employer to get ahead?

Menopause doesn’t just impact people of a certain gender or age, it also impacts their family, their friends and their colleagues.

This year is aiming to help organisations to plan and prepare for potential changes ahead and to remove the stigma of menopause.

What can your organisation do to help?

  • Hold a colleague awareness session
  • Hold a menopause event
  • Launch menopause training session – eLearning

These are some tips in which your organisation and employers can do to not only educate all gender and ages but also to educate themselves into signs to look for, tips of how to handle and support people going through these changes

To make this happen its time to speak up. Menopause is nothing to be embarrassed about and by removing the stigma behind menopause helps us all to support each other and understand each other

a group of people holding hands on top of a tree

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