
There are several different types of acne which can occur anywhere on your body. The most common places are;

  • The face – this is where acne mostly affects people
  • Back – this affects more than half the people who suffer with acne
  • Chest – this affects around 3 in 20 of us

Self-help with acne;

  • Only wash your face with water or mild soap with Luke warm water. Hot water can irritate the acne.
  • Do not squeeze spots – this will make them worse and also cause scarring
  • Avoid make up and oil based products in the affected area
  • Regular exercise can improve your acne
  • Washing your hair regular and avoiding it falling on your face
  • Ensure all make up is removed before going to bed

There is no definite cure for acne but it can be controlled mostly by over the counter treatments. Speak to your local pharmacists to find out which treatment may be the best choice for you. If your acne is severe or not working with over the counter medications, you will be referred to your own GP for stronger treatments and potentially antibiotics

Why do we have acne?

Acne is very common in teenagers and young adults. It usually affects people from the age of 11, this is usually due to the change in hormones. It can also be caused if the mum and dad have suffered with acne.

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