When is the right time to wean your child?

What are the signs?

There are 3 clear signs, which, when they appear together from around 6 months of age, show that your baby is ready for their first solid foods, alongside breast milk or first infant formula. They will be able to:

  • stay in a sitting position, holding their head steady
  • coordinate their eyes, hands and mouth so they can look at their food, pick it up and put it in their mouth
  • swallow food (rather than spit it back out)

The following behaviours can be mistaken for signs of being ready for solid foods:

  • chewing fists
  • wanting extra milk feeds
  • waking up in the night (more than usual)

These are normal baby behaviours and not necessarily a sign of hunger, or being ready to start solid food. Starting solid foods will not make them any more likely to sleep through the night. Sometimes a little extra milk will help until they are ready for food.

If your baby was born prematurely, ask your health visitor or GP for advice on when to start weaning.

Weaning | Start 4 Life (www.nhs.uk)

The link above allows you to explore the start of the weaning process. This useful link can give you tips on when your baby is ready to be weaned, safe weaning and plenty of recipes for you to try for various ages.

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